Cutting Cords BASICS

If you've been on a spiritual path for a long time or are familiar with visualisation meditations, you may be accustomed with this technique and have found a way of doing energetic cord-cutting that works best for you. If you're already familiar with this technique, consider this a friendly reminder to keep it up.

But don't worry if it's all new to you; it's simple to do and you'll notice the benefits right away.

Continue reading for an explanation of cord-cutting.

What are the benefits of cord-cutting?

Regularly practising cord-cutting meditations can help you maintain your vitality, transform your relationships, and improve your overall well-being.

Why do we need to cut the energetic ties?

An energy cord might grow between you and another person if you have a relationship with them or some sort of attachment to them.

You can have energy cords connecting you to family, friends, past and present loves and even individuals you’ve only met briefly or don’t know personally at all such as celebrities or people you follow on social media. Also, people can send you cords without your knowledge.

These energy cords may become a burden and taxing, especially if they hold negative energy. Perhaps you have a chord tied to someone whom you judge or who you need to forgive. Or maybe you have an energetic link to an ex or a former friend that you find yourself thinking about too often. These cords can overwhelm you and drain your energy. They can feel like a burden or a large weight, and you're not sure where it's coming from or why you're so depleted.

You can also cut cords with those you care about.

The cord-cutting meditation isn't only for people who no longer are in your life anymore or who you wish weren't. In fact, many of these energetic cords are likely to link to people you care greatly about.

It is essential to realise that by doing cord cutting meditations on a regularly, you are not cutting this person out of your life. You are simply cutting the energetic cord that carries negative energy.

You can even cut a cord that’s positive but does not feel right or how you would like.  For example, you may have a wonderful friendship, but you are aware that you rely on this person (or them you) too much. Perhaps you have a parent that you love dearly, but they contact you far too frequently, or you find yourself avoiding their calls. Restore the relationship's health and ease by cutting the cord.

How to do cord-cutting meditations?

Sit comfortably, close your eyes, slow your breathing, and enter a meditative state to practise cord-cutting.

When you feel a sensation of calmness come over you, you can request any kind of guide you believe in, whether it's ancestors, your inner wisdom, your higher self, the Universe, angels, Spirit, or God, to assist you with the cord-cutting.

  1. My teachers, Dr. Divi Chandna and Lynnette Brown advised me to imagine myself unplugging the cord from my centre and reconnecting it to the Divine. 

  2. Viv, a friend and coach, showed me a gentle way to cut cords. Visualise the cords as a root that had been entangled with another person's root. See in your mind's eye how these roots are untangling, and how any dry and parched bits are softly swept away, while any rotten parts dissolve into the healing and nurturing earth.

  3. The most common approach to cutting cords is to visualise your higher self or one of your guides wielding a sword and effortlessly slicing through cords. You can even move your arms in slicing motions to help with this visualisation. 

Once the cords have been detached you can take the other person's cords and reattach them to the Divine. Then take all your cords and tie them into a beautiful bow behind your back. Remember to thank your support team for helping you with this practice. And then you can come out of the meditation as you like. 

Tying your cords behind you helps ensure that you do not reach to that person or someone else right away. Over time the bow will come undone, and new energetic attachments will emerge. If they are negative and weighing on you, repeat the practice.

When you practise cord cutting meditations, you will feel a sense of ease and support. When you practise this meditation regularly, you will feel happier and healthier – as if a weight has been lifted.

You can do this practice as often as you like. Try doing it daily for 7 days and see how you feel.


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