10 journal prompts inspired by Daring Greatly
10 journaling prompts inspired by Daring Greatly by Brene Brown
What does vulnerability mean to me, and how do I currently experience it in my life?
What are the ways in which I currently numb, avoid, or deny my vulnerability?
How can I cultivate the courage to be vulnerable and share my authentic self with others?
How do my relationships and interactions with others reflect my level of vulnerability?
In what ways do I currently hold myself back from daring greatly, and how can I overcome these fears?
How can I use vulnerability to build deeper connections and relationships with others?
How can I use vulnerability to foster personal growth and self-compassion?
What are the ways in which I currently seek approval and validation from others, and how can I shift to a place of self-acceptance and worthiness?
How can I use vulnerability to communicate my needs and boundaries in relationships?
How can I practice vulnerability in my daily life and decision-making process?
Find out more about Daring Greatly by Brene Brown here.