10 journal prompts inspired by A Return to Love

10 journaling prompts inspired by A Return to Love by Marianne Williamson:

  1. What are the fears and doubts that are holding you back from living a life of love and connection? How can you work to overcome these fears and doubts in order to live a more authentic and loving life?

  2. In what ways do you feel disconnected from love in your life? How can you cultivate a deeper sense of connection and love for yourself and others?

  3. How do you define love, and how does this definition impact the way you show love to yourself and others? How can you expand your definition of love to include a wider range of emotions and behaviors?

  4. How do you practice forgiveness in your life? What role does forgiveness play in creating a life of love and connection?

  5. In what ways do you feel that you are lacking love in your life? How can you actively seek out and invite more love into your life?

  6. How do you handle difficult emotions and situations in your life? How can you approach these challenges with love and compassion, rather than fear and judgment?

  7. What are the barriers that keep you from experiencing love and connection in your relationships? How can you work to overcome these barriers and create deeper, more authentic connections with others?

  8. How do you show love to others, and how do you invite others to show love to you? What are some small, daily actions you can take to cultivate a culture of love and connection in your relationships?

  9. How do you prioritize self-care and self-love in your life? What are some practical steps you can take to prioritize your own well-being and happiness?

  10. How do you envision living a life filled with love and connection? What steps can you take today to move towards this vision and make it a reality?

Find out more about A Return to Love by Marianne Williamson here.


10 journal prompts inspired by The Abundance Book


A Journaling Prompt a Week